Monday 23 May 2016

Is all yours, enjoy the best-selling book in town

And this is the book we have all been waiting for.......
Educative, interesting, relaible and up - to - date.   Very scintilating, the facts inside are simply mouth- watering and tongue wagging.

Enjoy some bits friend......


1. Peanut butter, good for memory improvement A strong memory for your kids depends on the health and vitality of their brain which can be greatly influenced by their diets.
Consuming a mixture of peanut butter and a small amount of sugar has been found to improve memory.
This is because peanut contains a flavonoid called Resveratrol also found in red wine and grapes that improves blood flow in the brain. Peanuts and peanut butter are a good source of vitamin E; a potent antioxidant that protects nervous membranes - plus thiamine to help the brain and nervous system use glucose for energy.

In addition, peanut butter contains vitamin B complex, vitamin E, zinc, Iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, fibre, folic acid and choline. Studies have revealed that Choline, a B- vitamin - like molecule may be an excellent memory tonic having positive effects on our children’s thoughts processes and mental well being.

until we meet next time......
our contacts are all over our blog. do call us if you need a copy of the book.
our number :08084619284 is open for consultations.
Dowlan Concepts, safeguarding your health.......